Back to Basics
A big welcome to 2018 to our Aspire Families. We are almost a month back in the gym and our amazing gymnasts are looking stronger every day.
No doubt over the last few weeks there have been some sore muscles and sore hands as we get back into the swing of things! Just another reminder for our girls to roll out and stretch before and after training to help those muscles!!
As we kick off another year and get ready for new skills, new routines, new levels and lots more fun – the coaches and I have chatted to our Southport gymnasts about going back to basics for a few weeks, to work on their shapes and the quality of their gymnastics. Going back to basics certainly doesn’t mean we are going backwards… it is important our quality, drills and shapes are fantastic, in order to learn and compete those exciting new skills!
We often explain to the gymnasts, perfecting skills in gymnastics is like building a house! We start with the floor first, followed by the walls, followed by the roof. We do not go straight to the roof! Each training session we are working on the foundations and doing the prep – that way we can ensure our house is strong, looks how we imagined it would and won’t wobble or lose its roof. I can’t wait to see these amazingly prepared gymnasts peform this year!
Communication is key!
We are always reminding the girls to communicate with their coaches in the gym. In particular if they are feeling sore of have a niggle/injury, please encourage your daughters to let the coaches know so we can organise the safest and most appropriate training for them.
I am also very eager to continue to have great communication with our Southport parents and would like to thank you all for being so open with our coaches, helping ensure we are all on the same page.
If you need to chat to me (Kim) or one of our Aspire coaches, please send through an email and I can arrange a day and time to meet. Sometimes it isn’t always possible before or after class, so this is the best way to lock in a meeting. As you know, as Aspire coaches we spend a lot of time on the gym floor, but I am always happy to receive emails and will ensure you receive a response within 48 hours. Your understanding with not contacting coaches on Sundays or after 8.15pm on weekdays is much appreciated.
Thanks for working with us! Bring on 2018!
See you in the gym
Kim Whitehead