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  • Delta Gymnastics National Clubs Team 2023
Congratulations to these amazing gymnasts who have been selected on Delta Gymnastics National Clubs Team.  The below gymnasts in level 5 to 10 and International will contest the 2023 National Clubs Carnival during the September/October school holidays. Held locally on the Gold Coast, the girls are battling it out with the best gymnasts and clubs in Australia – go for it Team Delta! 
We’d love our Delta Army to come along and support our girls. Check out the schedules below and wear your best Delta outfits to cheer from the stands!
Level 5 
Alyssa Mitchell
Chloe Fried
Chloe Golf
Faith Rose
Florence Nason
Isabella Dougherty
Kelsie Railton
Lara Kozak
Maja Olsen
Melodey Bean
Victoria Gonzalez Gomez
Zhariyah Akibas
Level 6 
Chloe Dyce
Ella McCormack
Elsie Pierce
Hannah Mitchell
Lara Coward
Livia Cooke
Madison McMahon
Mikayla Assenheim
Neve McBride
Olivia Smith
Scarlett Railton
Sophiya Gordon-Daveson

Level 7 – 10 & International 

Adalyn Sowden
Adeline Tan
Ava Tyler
Beatrice Gilbert
Bella Martin
Daniella Cabrera
Iara Chaves
Isla Cullen
Jessica Bartholomew
Leah Wilson
Lindsay Webb
Louisa Wedmaier
Lucy Belcher 
Madison Jones
Nicole McNeil
Olivia Spallek-Cabellero
Rosie Reid-Vallini
Sachi Smith
Sam Stephenson
Stephanie Tull
Taylah Giles
Zara Andrews
Zoe Andersen
Ada Ogieglo
Grace Webb
India Colombi
Isabella McDonnell-Baum
Jessica Cleverly
Madison Elphick

The National Clubs Carnival will be held from September 24th to October 1st on the Gold Coast.

The structure of this event allows six girls to compete in each team at level 5 -10 and International.  The top three scores on each apparatus will count towards the overall team score.  This means we have been able to select apparatus specialists to be part of the team, assisting in building Team Delta’s overall score. 

While we’d love to take everyone to this event, due to the competition rules, we can only take a limited number of gymnasts in each level. Being on the Gold Coast this year however, we hope to see the Delta Army in the crowd supporting our girls as they challenge the best Clubs in Australia for the National Club Champion title!

Be sure to say a big congratulations if you see any of these girls in the gym!

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