Well the Australian Gymnastics Championships are over for another year and what an incredible team of gymnasts, coaches and officials our Delta family has!  Well done to our amazing level 7-10 & international gymnasts from Delta Brisbane, Delta Gold Coast and Barron Valley Gymnastics on your efforts representing Queensland – you should be so proud of yourselves, you are all super stars!

Our very own Gymnast Diaries author, Maddy Thompson finished the event with a bang, placing first overall in Australia in Level 10!  With many podium finishes and spectacular efforts and results from all of our girls, Delta Aspire gymnasts have proven again, they are a true force to be reckoned with.

Read Maddy’s final diary entry and Nationals Wrap Up below:


Nationals Wrap Up!

Well that’s a wrap! What an absolutely amazing week filled with laughs, tears, memories and QUEENSLAND spirit. The last two days have honestly been so amazing with our Delta/BV family smashing it at presentations.

Level 7 – Congratulations to Lucy, Nicki and Chloe for completing their first national championships. They pushed through the challanges and came out with some outstanding results because of their hard work and dedication in the gym. Nicki came 2nd on Vault, 4th on Bars and 6th overall, Lucy came 20th overall and Chloe came 4th on bars.

Level 8 – The 8’s brought their ‘A game’ with all girls nailing all apparatus over both rounds. Our own Tash and Jaymee showed how Delta leads the way, remaining calm and collected, while kicking butt. Tash came 3rd on Vault and 3rd overall while Jaymee came 2nd on Bars and 4th overall. Great job ladies!

Level 9 – The 9’s have proven they are the next young leaders for this generation. The team effort and support on the floor was truly amazing, and the girls aced it on the comp floor. Jemma, Nadege and Izzy were our little superstars, with congratulations to all three. You are amazing. Izzy came 4th on floor, beam and overall and Nadege placed 11th overall and 4th on Bars.  Great work!

Level 10 – The level 10 competition was one of the biggest having 6 rotations on the comp over two rounds. The girls however, stuck together, pulled each other up and proved their leadership and dedication to this sport through their amazing work and performance. Christine, Anna, Grace, Monet, Gemma, Holly, Anna and I all smashed out an amazing competition. The girls have definately done the hard yards in the gym putting blood, sweat and tears into their performances with the love for this amazing sport and one another truly shining through. The girls came through with many 1st to 6th medals and a huge congratulations to Christine who has been named as first reserve to the Australian Team.

Girls, you have once again proven to me and so many others that you are amazing. You are confident, determined and strong young woman who have truly put in the hard work in order to achieve the highest of results. I have enjoyed spending every minute with these girls, with this experience once again being surreal.

Today we fly back to Brisbane, with some very tired and sick girls. But I think everyone can say that they will be happy to sleep in their own bed tonight. Every minute of this experience is amazing and the new friends I have made, and memories will remain with me forever.

I just want to say a massive thank you on behalf of all of us to our coaches and supporters. Without you guys, we wouldn’t of gotten to where we have and couldn’t ask for anyone better. You guys are just as much a part of this team as we are. Thank you!

Well the nationals experience is coming to an end, and it’s sad to be over already. The last two weeks have flown by and now it’s time to hang up the maroon and get back out the blue and red ready for state clubs in 3 weeks.

We each came in with a goal, and I can definitely say that I met them and exceeded them. Thank you for taking the time to read my gymnast diaries but for now we are …


Madison Thompson (Level 10)

Monday 22nd & Tuesday 23rd May 2017 – COMPETITION TIME!

Champion efforts from all girls over the last two days with all team competitions now completed!  The girls competed exceptionally well with some amazing placings for team QUEENSLAND!

The Level 8’s kicked us off with claiming the gold medal and becoming our first National Champion Team for 2017!  The Levels 7’s, although very nervous for their first National Championships had a fantastic performance, placing 4th in Australia.  The Level 9’s and 10’s brought it together and performed brilliantly also claiming gold! What an absolutely amazing achievement, and it makes me so proud to call myself a Queenslander.

The support on the floor definately helped in the focus and determination. After 4 days of training we knew what we had to do to help our team out as best as possible and gain the best result.

The next two days will be the individual competitions with the Level 7’s kicking it off early Wednesday morning. Go girls!

For the rest of the day the other teams will be relaxing, walking through Melbourne and training throughout the day to fix any minor errors.

Strong start for team Queensland, keep it up!


Madison Thompson (Level 10)


Sunday 21st May 2017 – FLYING OUT!

The excitement began early this morning as the final preparation to board the plane was done, bags packed, tracksuits on and off to the airport. A sea of maroon greeted us as we entered the airport, with final good byes and good lucks from family and friends as we checked in and were on our way.

We got our tickets and boarded the plane. An hour and a half later we arrived in Melbourne, with a team of happy and ready to go athletes. We grabbed our bags and boarded the bus driving through Melbourne to get to the apartment.

We were greeted by our Team Manager and Judges and sent up to ‘the hub’ for welcoming, briefing and going over rules and regulations. Like any other camp we are told to eat healthy, put away our phones and make sure to get some sleep at night. We got our keys to the rooms and are currently having chats and getting to know one another. Luckily enough the level 10 athletes are all on the same floor of the apartment making it easy to visit one another and team bonding.

Dinner tonight is spag bog, chicken strips and veggies, with an early bed ready for podium training tomorrow. It’s been a big day and the girls are definitely going to sleep well tonight. Competition starts tomorrow with Lucy, Chloe, Nicki and Grace!


Madison Thompson (Level 10)

Friday 19th / Saturday 20th May 2017 – TRAINING CAMP DAY 3 & CONTROL TEST

We walked into our third day of camp more than ready; we knew what was expected and had set our goals. For some girls yesterday was definitely an improvement, but for others it was getting the last wobbles and falls out before the control test today. The Queensland spirit was definitely in the building and continually lifting.

One of my favourite parts of Nationals is the lifelong friendships you make with the girls on your team. Five years ago, I attended my first nationals and formed an unbreakable bond with two girls, who I am lucky enough to be once again representing Queensland with: Delta Gold Coast gymnast, Anna Rowe and Splitz gymnast, Abbey Scott. It is wonderful that girls, who have only ever seen each other as competitors, can come together, work together, and strive to achieve the best result for Queensland, each other and themselves. It’s these friendships that make this experience so unique and memorable.

As our last day of training came to an end, I have definitely witnessed the good, the bad and the mongrel over the past three days.  The amazing level 8 ‘s, with our own Jaymee and Tash a part of, have had an incredible training camp, hitting almost all routines, and having the highest success rate over out of all levels. Everyone has definitely put in the hard work, and now it was time to put this into action – bring on the control test.


The girls were looking hot to go as they walked into the gym today with comp hair done and Queensland training leo on, stepping onto the gym for the last time before heading to Melbourne. For those of you who don’t know, a control test is a practice competition, for us to come together as a team and perform once before heading down to Melbourne to compete.

Our Delta/Barron Valley family smashed it today and look more than ready to take on the rest of Australia headfirst! Level 10 gymnast, Monet consistently mesmerises everyone with her huge vault, and did so again today. Level 7 gymnasts, Nicki, Lucy and Chloe all lifted their game  and looked very confident as they completed their beam routines today. Jemma graced the floor with elegance as she danced her way through her floor routine, and Christine once again proved she had the Queensland mongrel, with another awesome fight to stay on the bars.

All around though, team Delta/Barron Valley definitely lifted today and are looking so strong and ready to show Australia what we’ve got. For me, its only just kicked in that tomorrow we fly out and it’s quickly becoming so real. The countdown is now on and only a few more sleeps before the first competition is under way.

I just want to lastly wish the girls the best of luck. I’ve seen how hard you have all worked and know you will make us all proud – let’s show Australia what we’ve got.


Madison Thompson (Level 10)

Thursday 18th May 2017 – QLD Team Training Camp DAY 2:
Today certainly brought out the Queensland mongrel in us all. After a rocky start to training camp yesterday, the pressure was on to hit our first routines and up the Queensland spirit. This morning, I witnessed a change in the girls; they walked in confident, determined and with a mind set ready to work hard.

‘It doesn’t matter what we’ve already done, its what we do next that counts’.

A quote that I have heard many a time before from John resonated with myself and many of the other girls as we began our second day of training camp. As a team we had to move forward from our falls and mistakes, and push ourselves to be the best we could be TODAY – and I am happy to say we all did!

We arrived at the gym and were called to line up once again in front of the coaches for a short briefing. Todays focus was ‘positive self, positive team’, and as Debbie said, if we all want the best for our teammates, we not only lift them up, but ourselves also. And with this warm-up commenced and day two was underway.

All the girls showed a great improvement over all apparatus and brought out their inner Queensland mongrel – particularly on bars (Christine, Tash and Jemma have proven they have the mongrel). There was a fight to stay on the apparatus, not to give up and to keep pushing forward when the going got tough. The success rate went up and so did the spirit. The amount of encouragement and cheering across the gym had definitely improved, with the support aiding in the determination to fight for routines, and lifted the positive vibe in the gym. We were definitely looking more like a team.

With two days left to go of training camp, I’m so glad that the girls are cool, calm and collected and that they continuously work hard and lead the way. We all have little areas that need to be improved, but we are looking strong and ready to go.


Madison Thompson (Level 10)

Wednesday 17th May 2017 – QLD Team Training Camp Day One:

Today marked the beginning of a ten-day journey for nine Delta Brisbane, three Delta Gold Coast and six Barron Valley gymnasts as they took off their club colours and pulled on the maroon leotard as Queensland Representatives.

Welcome to the first entry of the 2017 Nationals Training Camp & Competition Gymnast Diaries.  Follow Delta Brisbane and Queensland Level 10 State Team Member Madison Thompson as she and her teammates prepare to take on the best in Australia at the 2017 National Gymnastics Championships.

Day One:

9:30am – Forty-one very exited gymnasts walked into the gym at Delta Kedron determined and ready to undertake whatever necessary to achieve the best result. On entering the gym we were overwhelmed by the amount of maroon in the room, with this year being one of the largest teams to be taken down to Melbourne to compete. For some of us, today was about meeting our team, coaches and making new friends, whereas for others it was catching up with the girls who we already had such close relationships with from previous years.

We made our way over to the floor where we lined up in front of the coaches for briefing before beginning warm up. The wise words spoken by John and Debbie to take on board today, and through this journey were that:

1. Being positive and uplifting not only helped us but our team; and

2. Without a doubt we should be heading to Melbourne with an ‘unshakeable belief’ that we would be hitting our routines!

During this time they also announced the 2017 State Team Captains. It gives me the greatest pleasure to congratulate Christine Cross from Delta Brisbane on being selected as one of the three captains for this year.

Warm up commenced and our first day of training camp was underway!

Being on a state team is a great experience, as we are given the opportunity to work with other coaches as well as have judges watching and providing crucial feedback over the duration of the camp. It seemed today though, with the excitement came some pressure, and unfortunately we did not have the greatest training session. However, this allows room for improvement, and with camp continuing over the next three days, I will be sure to keep you updated on how everybody is travelling.

Today marked the beginning of another memorable journey that I am so lucky to be able to undertake with my teammates and closest friends. It was an interesting start, but team Queensland is counting on us, and we are ready to go.


Madison Thompson (Level 10)

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