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  • Georgia Takes On Gymnastics World Cup
Delta's Senior International gymnast Georgia Godwin, headed to Melbourne last week to take on the 2018 Gymnastics World Cup event. Melbourne's World Cup Gymnastics is part of the Individual Apparatus World Cup circuit and this year featured athletes from sixteen countries all over the world!  Coming off a successful training camp in Canberra with the National Squad and National Coach, Georgia was selected to compete on vault, beam and floor at this year's event! 2018 World Cup kicked off with the Vault qualification round and Georgia nailed both vaults, with an incredible stick on her second attempt!  (Check it out below!).  This fantastic effort, saw Georgia head into the finals ranked 3rd place.
  Day two brought with it qualifications for beam and floor.  In 2017, Georgia placed 3rd in the floor final in this event, and with a new routine and some big new skills, she was ready to show everyone what she was made of!  With strong routines on both apparatus, Georgia again was headed to finals ranked 3rd on each event, ready to bring out the big guns! Here is a snippet of Georgia's awesome floor performance at World Cup qualifications:
Saturday was World Cup vault finals and despite a small niggle from the previous day, Georgia went in feeling good.  After a consistent performance, she came away with an awesome 4th placing on vault! Great job Georgia!! Unfortunately however, this saw the end of Georgia's World Cup Campaign this time around.  Georgia had a mishap in warm up during beam qualifications and while she is fine, the coaches and medical staff thought that with some big comps (including Commonwealth Games!!) coming up in the next five weeks it was better to play it safe for Georgia. Our Australian gymnasts & Georgia's amazing team mates had a fantastics event at World Cup, taking home 8 apparatus medals! What a great result leading into the Commonwealth Games!  Special mention to Alexandra Eade who won the gold in the Women's Floor Final and Christopher Remkes who took home the gold medal for the Men's Vault!  Australian gymnastics is looking fantastic! Georgia - we think you are amazing and cannot wait to cheer you on at Commonwealth Games in April! #teamgeorgia
Want the chance to watch Georgia in action at the Commonwealth Games?
Find out how you can go in the draw for Delta's Ultimate Comm Games Experience here!                      

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