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  • Reminders for our Competitive Gymnasts & Families!


As competition season is in full swing, we wanted to remind our amazing Southport gymnasts and their parents about the importance of attending training, being prepared and the expectations for our gymnasts, coaches and parents on competition day!

We want each and every gymnast to be the best they can be and to feel confident, prepared and have lots of fun when performing at competitions.

Here are some friendly reminders from our Competitive Handbook relating to training and competing with Southport Gymnastics Club.

Feedback & Communication is Key

Scores on the competition floor are only one part of the picture for our gymnasts. PAD testing and providing regular feedback on training and development helps ensure the gymnasts, parents and coaches are all on the same page and share the same goals!

Keep the Balance

More time spent in the gym doesn’t always equal greater success. Our philosophy is to promote a balanced lifestyle for our competitive gymnasts, enabling them to participate in school activities and have family time, whilst maximising their training outcomes. Southport gymnasts work hard to maximise their time in the gym and only increase training hours as required.

Competition Eligibility & Training

If a gymnast has been absent prior to competition, their eligibility to compete will be determined at the coach’s discretion. Decisions will always be based on the safety of the gymnast (on occasion, the coach may have the gymnast compete on some, but not all apparatus, and/or may remove skills from the routines).


Please email with as much advance notice as possible!  If a gymnast does not consistently attend training, she may do too many of one type of activity, and not enough of another. Letting us know of absences in advance, allows coaches to rearrange your gymnast’s assignments, maximizing their training for the week. If it is a last minute illness or family emergency, preventing attendance, any notice you can give us is much appreciated (even if after the fact).

Gymnast & Parent Responsibilities

A Gymnast Will:

  • Arrive at least 10 minutes early for training to assist the coach in preparation for training
  • Train in neat apparel at all times (includes leotard, tights, wrist-bands, socks, t-shirt, shorts, hair)
  • Respect and follow the instructions of his or her coach. Show by words, actions, posture and demeanour a commitment to a positive, energetic performance and seek to become the best gymnast they can become
  • Treat other people in the gym with respect and courtesy
  • Remember that she is both a role model for younger gymnasts and a representative of Southport Gymnastics, both when training and competing
  • Adhere to the rules of competition
  • Observe and encourage teammates to achieve and succeed
  • Where possible make the coach(es) aware of the fact they may be late or absent from training prior to the event, and see their coach before they start training to explain any late arrivals

 Parents of the Gymnast Will:

  • Support your child in meeting the above requirements
  • Ensure attendance at training and competition events. Arrange suitable transport to events and training. Deliver gymnasts into the facility and pick up from inside the facility
  • Provide medical & paramedical support for your child through recommended sports medicine facility if required
  • Support and assist the activities of Southport Gymnastics
  • Support their child to develop social and physical skills through gymnastics
  • Be courteous when communicating with coaches, judges and administrators
  • Be a positive role model
Competition Etiquette & Team Support

We ask gymnasts to please check-in with their coaches 15-20 minutes before the start of competition warm-up.  Once they have checked in with their coach, gymnasts must stay on the competition floor for the remainder of the competition (rules regulate that gymnasts may not leave the floor without permission of the Jury, nor have any contact with persons outside the Competition Arena.)

Gymnasts are expected to be polite, respectful, and supportive to all participants and officials. As a club we want to provide our members with all the support possible at competition. We ask that all girls attend other sessions and support their teammates at competition where possible.

Audience members are encouraged to cheer loudly and support their gymnasts.  (Spectators are expected to behave in a way that exemplifies the Delta Spirit and sets a positive example for our children.)


Let’s all support our incredible gymnasts and we look forward to seeing our Southport Gymnastics SQUAD in the stands, cheering on our girls!

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